After studying for 2 years in the Visual Arts at the University of Ottawa, I paused and discovered the Alexander Technique. In 1984, I pursued this interest, diligently applying its principles to everything I did, especially cycling and later sailing. In 1987, I co-founded Salsa Cycle Tours, where I mainly led small eco-friendly mountain bike tours in Latin America, Ireland and Italy until 1999.

I graduated from the Toronto School of the Alexander Technique (1993-1996), under the direction of Elaine Kopman, and established a thriving private practice in Ottawa while continuing post-graduate work in the style of Patrick Macdonald with Rivka Cohen and Nelly Ben-Or. This inevitably led to my training (2009-2013) to open a teacher training school. In 2013, I met Caren Bayer, whose mentorship and friendship continues to be invaluable.

In September 2000, after a year-long sailing trip from Ottawa to Cuba, I spent 5 weeks at the Rivka Cohen School, then situated in New York City. While there, I was introduced to the other “A.T.”, Argentine Tango. When I returned to Ottawa, I studied intensively with Francis Caron at the Siempre Tango School of Argentine Tango, where I was main teacher with Francis from 2003 to 2014. Francis and I have been married since 2002.

In 2014, ATC/CANSTAT approved the opening of the Ottawa School of the Alexander Technique, where I was director of the teacher training course. In December 2019, I closed the Ottawa school to launch the Montreal School of the Alexander Technique in January 2020. Francis and I are happy to be teaching together again and are looking forward to meeting and working with you.

I am a certified teacher and member of ATC/CANSTAT, the Canadian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique, where I have been on the Professional Conduct Committee and the Professional Development Committee. I am currently on the Teacher Training Committee.


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The first thing that you have to do, before thinking of something like contemplation, is to try to recover your basic natural unity, to reintegrate your compartmentalized being into a coordinated and simple whole, and learn to live as a unified human person. This means that you have to bring back together the fragments of your distracted existence so that when you say “I” there is really someone present to support the pronoun you have uttered.

Thomas Merton

My Favourites

Photos: Roxanne Lafleur